It's been quite an interesting year astronomy-wise, a lunar eclipse back in December, a spectacular supermoon last month, an annular eclipse today, another lunar eclipse on June 5th and there will be a transit of Venus on June 6th, which I am very looking forward to! (Unfortunately only partially visible in the UK)!
This was the second eclipse I've experienced, as I viewed the partial solar eclipse while I was on a Girl Guides camp half my life ago in August 1999.
At the peak!!!!!
Most eclipses occur over the sea, since the Earth is 2/3 water, and this eclipse was particularly special due
to the fact that its totality was visible from several of the most
densly-populatied cities in the world.. my very own Tokyo included (others being Hong Kong, Osaka, San Fransisco). There
certainly was a lot of media hype, and luckily the eclipse occured in the morning before work
Something that I was really disappointed with, though, was the lack of media emphasis on
the fact that special sunglasses are *absolutely necessary*, and I regrettably saw people viewing the eclipse with their naked eyes..
Stay tuned for pictures of the transit of Venus next month- I'm glad to be able to use my eclipse glasses again too! (*^^*)
If you've no idea what I'm talking about, look here